Drupal Solr Search

Revolutionize your Drupal search experience with Solr

Solr search can be used as a replacement for core content search and boasts both extra features and better performance.


Faceted Search
Faceted search is supported if you use the facet API module. Facets will be available for you ranging from content author to taxonomy to arbitrary fields.
More like this
Relevant content blocks (“More like this” blocks) can be added to any node page. The block will show you relevant nodes and/or nodes similar to the one your site-visitor is viewing. The analysis happens realtime in Solr
Search Pages
Multiple search pages with optionally customized search results, layout and others
Search Environments
Add multiple Solr Search cores and query them so you can optimally connect to the one of your choice. Ideal to have multiple facet configurations.
Range Queries
These query types, in combination with Facet Api Slider, delivers a very rich faceting experience delivers to the end user.

Public Websites using Solr and Drupal:

  • http://www.whitehouse.gov/ – Uses Solr via Drupal for site search w/highlighting & faceting
  • TheBigJobs.com A Job portal build using Drupal CMS. Using solr to index & search jobs posted on website.
  • Scintilla: search and MoreLikeThis
  • MAME Reviews: faceted search
  • Peel Sessions: search
  • Akademika.no is a Norwegian online book store with focus on students and school books. Built with Drupal, and Solr powers the search through the Drupal Solr plugin.