Upgrading to a Newer Version of Drupal

Drupal 6 or 7 To 8

Nilaxsoft has been started Drupal based application design and development since 2009. We have worked on dozens of Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 projects. Now we are working on Drupal 8. Drupal is focus on maintaining security so time to time it’s provide upgrade. For example :- In year 2009-10 you had business plan and you ask any drupal developers to create website on Drupal. Now officialy drupal has been stop support Drupal 6 so you can not be able to get new security updates on your site.

Nilaxsoft is the place where you can ask for new development of your site or ask for upgrade your system. We can understand if you are still running Drupal 6/7 so you already invested lot’s on your web application.We always try to provide good service in your budget.

From the start you’re in direct contact with our team of experts – the same folks that will be managing your project and later – designing, developing and maintaining it. No salespeople, no middlemen; from start to finish (and later, maintenance) you’re working with designers and Drupal engineers that will collaborate with you and map out a manageable workflow. We understand the importance of both branding and financial sustainability as they pertain to projects and work hard to ensure that all the goals and needs of our clients are met.

Our Drupal Service:

  • Migration
  • Vesrion Upgradation
  • Custom Module development
  • Custom theme development
  • Security implementation
  • Multilingual and Multisite configaration
  • Localization

More Detail Feel Free to Ask : Contact Us

Mobile: +91 7828190996

Skype: i_mpank

Guide to Making Money Selling Domain Names

Domain names are an equivalent of Real Estate on the internet. Though it is a sector very few people get to talk about, the major players and stakeholders are very active.

Domain names are an equivalent of real Estate on the internet. Though it is a sector very few people get to talk about; the major players and stakeholders are very active.

Domain Names like lasvegas.com have a price list of $90,000,000, filmimela.com $29000 USD and insurance.com sold for $35.6 million in 2010. The initial investment for some of these domain names was less than $20 dollars.

Pundits have pointed out that domains going for a 6 or 7 figure amount were bought in the early and mid-1990s. There is a lot of sense in that but still the opportunities still abound in the millennium.

You can also make money by parking Domain names. Domain name investors have tens  to hundreds of domain names. These are often typed or searched domain names and they make money by placing PPC (pay-per-click) Google ads on them and get paid when someone clicks on the Ads.

Industries are changing, companies are springing up, trends and taste is cyclic and changing, Economies are in transition. All these spell opportunity to a domain name merchant in 2016.Succeeding in domain name trading requires a lot of patience, insight, research and a little cash .the following will give some insight and consideration if you want to invest in Domain Names.


  1. Keep it short and simple
  2. You can use keyword tools like Google Keyword Planner to generate a good domain name
  3. Check availability and register the domain name. Insight and direction from domain name specialists,  have over the years guided users to choosing and registering the right Domain Name that is best suited for their business.
  4. Domain names with suffix like .com, .net, .org have been profitable but also be aware of geographic tagged suffix like co.in, .in etc. and other new upcoming ones like . xyz, .support etc.
  5. Buy a domain name that consists of a business name, geographic names and generic names; it may be easier for you to sell them faster and at a good price.
  6. Be an opportunist and track major events. For example, Ebola.com was bought for $13,000 and sold for $150,000.
  7. You can also start by buying Dropped Domains (expired domains). Start with those with unique names and high page ranking.
  8. Be flexible. The porn, gambling and investment industry are topping the list of top domain name purchases in the US, it is wise to watch other upcoming sectors and industry and invest in them. Also note that countries and economy differ, so streamline your research to a country and its unique landscape.


  1. Have a fixed amount you want to sell
  2. Put up your domain name on domain trading sites.
  3. Invite bids from potential buyers and sell to the highest bidder
  4. You can also make an offer to potential Buyers.

Please note that it is illegal to purchase Domain names that have been Trademarked by a company or to steal an individual or company’s name and buy the domain.

The Complete List of MIME Types



Suffixes applicable Media type and subtype(s)
.3dm x-world/x-3dmf
.3dmf x-world/x-3dmf
.a application/octet-stream
.aab application/x-authorware-bin
.aam application/x-authorware-map
.aas application/x-authorware-seg
.abc text/vnd.abc
.acgi text/html
.afl video/animaflex
.ai application/postscript
.aif audio/aiff
.aif audio/x-aiff
.aifc audio/aiff
.aifc audio/x-aiff
.aiff audio/aiff
.aiff audio/x-aiff
.aim application/x-aim
.aip text/x-audiosoft-intra
.ani application/x-navi-animation
.aos application/x-nokia-9000-communicator-add-on-software
.aps application/mime
.arc application/octet-stream
.arj application/arj
.arj application/octet-stream
.art image/x-jg
.asf video/x-ms-asf
.asm text/x-asm
.asp text/asp
.asx application/x-mplayer2
.asx video/x-ms-asf
.asx video/x-ms-asf-plugin
.au audio/basic
.au audio/x-au
.avi application/x-troff-msvideo
.avi video/avi
.avi video/msvideo
.avi video/x-msvideo
.avs video/avs-video
.bcpio application/x-bcpio
.bin application/mac-binary
.bin application/macbinary
.bin application/octet-stream
.bin application/x-binary
.bin application/x-macbinary
.bm image/bmp
.bmp image/bmp
.bmp image/x-windows-bmp
.boo application/book
.book application/book
.boz application/x-bzip2
.bsh application/x-bsh
.bz application/x-bzip
.bz2 application/x-bzip2
.c text/plain
.c text/x-c
.c++ text/plain
.cat application/vnd.ms-pki.seccat
.cc text/plain
.cc text/x-c
.ccad application/clariscad
.cco application/x-cocoa
.cdf application/cdf
.cdf application/x-cdf
.cdf application/x-netcdf
.cer application/pkix-cert
.cer application/x-x509-ca-cert
.cha application/x-chat
.chat application/x-chat
.class application/java
.class application/java-byte-code
.class application/x-java-class
.com application/octet-stream
.com text/plain
.conf text/plain
.cpio application/x-cpio
.cpp text/x-c
.cpt application/mac-compactpro
.cpt application/x-compactpro
.cpt application/x-cpt
.crl application/pkcs-crl
.crl application/pkix-crl
.crt application/pkix-cert
.crt application/x-x509-ca-cert
.crt application/x-x509-user-cert
.csh application/x-csh
.csh text/x-script.csh
.css application/x-pointplus
.css text/css
.cxx text/plain
.dcr application/x-director
.deepv application/x-deepv
.def text/plain
.der application/x-x509-ca-cert
.dif video/x-dv
.dir application/x-director
.dl video/dl
.dl video/x-dl
.doc application/msword
.dot application/msword
.dp application/commonground
.drw application/drafting
.dump application/octet-stream
.dv video/x-dv
.dvi application/x-dvi
.dwf drawing/x-dwf (old)
.dwf model/vnd.dwf
.dwg application/acad
.dwg image/vnd.dwg
.dwg image/x-dwg
.dxf application/dxf
.dxf image/vnd.dwg
.dxf image/x-dwg
.dxr application/x-director
.el text/x-script.elisp
.elc application/x-bytecode.elisp (compiled elisp)
.elc application/x-elc
.env application/x-envoy
.eps application/postscript
.es application/x-esrehber
.etx text/x-setext
.evy application/envoy
.evy application/x-envoy
.exe application/octet-stream
.f text/plain
.f text/x-fortran
.f77 text/x-fortran
.f90 text/plain
.f90 text/x-fortran
.fdf application/vnd.fdf
.fif application/fractals
.fif image/fif
.fli video/fli
.fli video/x-fli
.flo image/florian
.flx text/vnd.fmi.flexstor
.fmf video/x-atomic3d-feature
.for text/plain
.for text/x-fortran
.fpx image/vnd.fpx
.fpx image/vnd.net-fpx
.frl application/freeloader
.funk audio/make
.g text/plain
.g3 image/g3fax
.gif image/gif
.gl video/gl
.gl video/x-gl
.gsd audio/x-gsm
.gsm audio/x-gsm
.gsp application/x-gsp
.gss application/x-gss
.gtar application/x-gtar
.gz application/x-compressed
.gz application/x-gzip
.gzip application/x-gzip
.gzip multipart/x-gzip
.h text/plain
.h text/x-h
.hdf application/x-hdf
.help application/x-helpfile
.hgl application/vnd.hp-hpgl
.hh text/plain
.hh text/x-h
.hlb text/x-script
.hlp application/hlp
.hlp application/x-helpfile
.hlp application/x-winhelp
.hpg application/vnd.hp-hpgl
.hpgl application/vnd.hp-hpgl
.hqx application/binhex
.hqx application/binhex4
.hqx application/mac-binhex
.hqx application/mac-binhex40
.hqx application/x-binhex40
.hqx application/x-mac-binhex40
.hta application/hta
.htc text/x-component
.htm text/html
.html text/html
.htmls text/html
.htt text/webviewhtml
.htx text/html
.ice x-conference/x-cooltalk
.ico image/x-icon
.idc text/plain
.ief image/ief
.iefs image/ief
.iges application/iges
.iges model/iges
.igs application/iges
.igs model/iges
.ima application/x-ima
.imap application/x-httpd-imap
.inf application/inf
.ins application/x-internett-signup
.ip application/x-ip2
.isu video/x-isvideo
.it audio/it
.iv application/x-inventor
.ivr i-world/i-vrml
.ivy application/x-livescreen
.jam audio/x-jam
.jav text/plain
.jav text/x-java-source
.java text/plain
.java text/x-java-source
.jcm application/x-java-commerce
.jfif image/jpeg
.jfif image/pjpeg
.jfif-tbnl image/jpeg
.jpe image/jpeg
.jpe image/pjpeg
.jpeg image/jpeg
.jpeg image/pjpeg
.jpg image/jpeg
.jpg image/pjpeg
.jps image/x-jps
.js application/x-javascript
.js application/javascript
.js application/ecmascript
.js text/javascript
.js text/ecmascript
.jut image/jutvision
.kar audio/midi
.kar music/x-karaoke
.ksh application/x-ksh
.ksh text/x-script.ksh
.la audio/nspaudio
.la audio/x-nspaudio
.lam audio/x-liveaudio
.latex application/x-latex
.lha application/lha
.lha application/octet-stream
.lha application/x-lha
.lhx application/octet-stream
.list text/plain
.lma audio/nspaudio
.lma audio/x-nspaudio
.log text/plain
.lsp application/x-lisp
.lsp text/x-script.lisp
.lst text/plain
.lsx text/x-la-asf
.ltx application/x-latex
.lzh application/octet-stream
.lzh application/x-lzh
.lzx application/lzx
.lzx application/octet-stream
.lzx application/x-lzx
.m text/plain
.m text/x-m
.m1v video/mpeg
.m2a audio/mpeg
.m2v video/mpeg
.m3u audio/x-mpequrl
.man application/x-troff-man
.map application/x-navimap
.mar text/plain
.mbd application/mbedlet
.mc$ application/x-magic-cap-package-1.0
.mcd application/mcad
.mcd application/x-mathcad
.mcf image/vasa
.mcf text/mcf
.mcp application/netmc
.me application/x-troff-me
.mht message/rfc822
.mhtml message/rfc822
.mid application/x-midi
.mid audio/midi
.mid audio/x-mid
.mid audio/x-midi
.mid music/crescendo
.mid x-music/x-midi
.midi application/x-midi
.midi audio/midi
.midi audio/x-mid
.midi audio/x-midi
.midi music/crescendo
.midi x-music/x-midi
.mif application/x-frame
.mif application/x-mif
.mime message/rfc822
.mime www/mime
.mjf audio/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mjuicemediafile
.mjpg video/x-motion-jpeg
.mm application/base64
.mm application/x-meme
.mme application/base64
.mod audio/mod
.mod audio/x-mod
.moov video/quicktime
.mov video/quicktime
.movie video/x-sgi-movie
.mp2 audio/mpeg
.mp2 audio/x-mpeg
.mp2 video/mpeg
.mp2 video/x-mpeg
.mp2 video/x-mpeq2a
.mp3 audio/mpeg3
.mp3 audio/x-mpeg-3
.mp3 video/mpeg
.mp3 video/x-mpeg
.mpa audio/mpeg
.mpa video/mpeg
.mpc application/x-project
.mpe video/mpeg
.mpeg video/mpeg
.mpg audio/mpeg
.mpg video/mpeg
.mpga audio/mpeg
.mpp application/vnd.ms-project
.mpt application/x-project
.mpv application/x-project
.mpx application/x-project
.mrc application/marc
.ms application/x-troff-ms
.mv video/x-sgi-movie
.my audio/make
.mzz application/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mzz
.nap image/naplps
.naplps image/naplps
.nc application/x-netcdf
.ncm application/vnd.nokia.configuration-message
.nif image/x-niff
.niff image/x-niff
.nix application/x-mix-transfer
.nsc application/x-conference
.nvd application/x-navidoc
.o application/octet-stream
.oda application/oda
.omc application/x-omc
.omcd application/x-omcdatamaker
.omcr application/x-omcregerator
.p text/x-pascal
.p10 application/pkcs10
.p10 application/x-pkcs10
.p12 application/pkcs-12
.p12 application/x-pkcs12
.p7a application/x-pkcs7-signature
.p7c application/pkcs7-mime
.p7c application/x-pkcs7-mime
.p7m application/pkcs7-mime
.p7m application/x-pkcs7-mime
.p7r application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp
.p7s application/pkcs7-signature
.part application/pro_eng
.pas text/pascal
.pbm image/x-portable-bitmap
.pcl application/vnd.hp-pcl
.pcl application/x-pcl
.pct image/x-pict
.pcx image/x-pcx
.pdb chemical/x-pdb
.pdf application/pdf
.pfunk audio/make
.pfunk audio/make.my.funk
.pgm image/x-portable-graymap
.pgm image/x-portable-greymap
.pic image/pict
.pict image/pict
.pkg application/x-newton-compatible-pkg
.pko application/vnd.ms-pki.pko
.pl text/plain
.pl text/x-script.perl
.plx application/x-pixclscript
.pm image/x-xpixmap
.pm text/x-script.perl-module
.pm4 application/x-pagemaker
.pm5 application/x-pagemaker
.png image/png
.pnm application/x-portable-anymap
.pnm image/x-portable-anymap
.pot application/mspowerpoint
.pot application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
.pov model/x-pov
.ppa application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
.ppm image/x-portable-pixmap
.pps application/mspowerpoint
.pps application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
.ppt application/mspowerpoint
.ppt application/powerpoint
.ppt application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
.ppt application/x-mspowerpoint
.ppz application/mspowerpoint
.pre application/x-freelance
.prt application/pro_eng
.ps application/postscript
.psd application/octet-stream
.pvu paleovu/x-pv
.pwz application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
.py text/x-script.phyton
.pyc application/x-bytecode.python
.qcp audio/vnd.qcelp
.qd3 x-world/x-3dmf
.qd3d x-world/x-3dmf
.qif image/x-quicktime
.qt video/quicktime
.qtc video/x-qtc
.qti image/x-quicktime
.qtif image/x-quicktime
.ra audio/x-pn-realaudio
.ra audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
.ra audio/x-realaudio
.ram audio/x-pn-realaudio
.ras application/x-cmu-raster
.ras image/cmu-raster
.ras image/x-cmu-raster
.rast image/cmu-raster
.rexx text/x-script.rexx
.rf image/vnd.rn-realflash
.rgb image/x-rgb
.rm application/vnd.rn-realmedia
.rm audio/x-pn-realaudio
.rmi audio/mid
.rmm audio/x-pn-realaudio
.rmp audio/x-pn-realaudio
.rmp audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
.rng application/ringing-tones
.rng application/vnd.nokia.ringing-tone
.rnx application/vnd.rn-realplayer
.roff application/x-troff
.rp image/vnd.rn-realpix
.rpm audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
.rt text/richtext
.rt text/vnd.rn-realtext
.rtf application/rtf
.rtf application/x-rtf
.rtf text/richtext
.rtx application/rtf
.rtx text/richtext
.rv video/vnd.rn-realvideo
.s text/x-asm
.s3m audio/s3m
.saveme application/octet-stream
.sbk application/x-tbook
.scm application/x-lotusscreencam
.scm text/x-script.guile
.scm text/x-script.scheme
.scm video/x-scm
.sdml text/plain
.sdp application/sdp
.sdp application/x-sdp
.sdr application/sounder
.sea application/sea
.sea application/x-sea
.set application/set
.sgm text/sgml
.sgm text/x-sgml
.sgml text/sgml
.sgml text/x-sgml
.sh application/x-bsh
.sh application/x-sh
.sh application/x-shar
.sh text/x-script.sh
.shar application/x-bsh
.shar application/x-shar
.shtml text/html
.shtml text/x-server-parsed-html
.sid audio/x-psid
.sit application/x-sit
.sit application/x-stuffit
.skd application/x-koan
.skm application/x-koan
.skp application/x-koan
.skt application/x-koan
.sl application/x-seelogo
.smi application/smil
.smil application/smil
.snd audio/basic
.snd audio/x-adpcm
.sol application/solids
.spc application/x-pkcs7-certificates
.spc text/x-speech
.spl application/futuresplash
.spr application/x-sprite
.sprite application/x-sprite
.src application/x-wais-source
.ssi text/x-server-parsed-html
.ssm application/streamingmedia
.sst application/vnd.ms-pki.certstore
.step application/step
.stl application/sla
.stl application/vnd.ms-pki.stl
.stl application/x-navistyle
.stp application/step
.sv4cpio application/x-sv4cpio
.sv4crc application/x-sv4crc
.svf image/vnd.dwg
.svf image/x-dwg
.svr application/x-world
.svr x-world/x-svr
.swf application/x-shockwave-flash
.t application/x-troff
.talk text/x-speech
.tar application/x-tar
.tbk application/toolbook
.tbk application/x-tbook
.tcl application/x-tcl
.tcl text/x-script.tcl
.tcsh text/x-script.tcsh
.tex application/x-tex
.texi application/x-texinfo
.texinfo application/x-texinfo
.text application/plain
.text text/plain
.tgz application/gnutar
.tgz application/x-compressed
.tif image/tiff
.tif image/x-tiff
.tiff image/tiff
.tiff image/x-tiff
.tr application/x-troff
.tsi audio/tsp-audio
.tsp application/dsptype
.tsp audio/tsplayer
.tsv text/tab-separated-values
.turbot image/florian
.txt text/plain
.uil text/x-uil
.uni text/uri-list
.unis text/uri-list
.unv application/i-deas
.uri text/uri-list
.uris text/uri-list
.ustar application/x-ustar
.ustar multipart/x-ustar
.uu application/octet-stream
.uu text/x-uuencode
.uue text/x-uuencode
.vcd application/x-cdlink
.vcs text/x-vcalendar
.vda application/vda
.vdo video/vdo
.vew application/groupwise
.viv video/vivo
.viv video/vnd.vivo
.vivo video/vivo
.vivo video/vnd.vivo
.vmd application/vocaltec-media-desc
.vmf application/vocaltec-media-file
.voc audio/voc
.voc audio/x-voc
.vos video/vosaic
.vox audio/voxware
.vqe audio/x-twinvq-plugin
.vqf audio/x-twinvq
.vql audio/x-twinvq-plugin
.vrml application/x-vrml
.vrml model/vrml
.vrml x-world/x-vrml
.vrt x-world/x-vrt
.vsd application/x-visio
.vst application/x-visio
.vsw application/x-visio
.w60 application/wordperfect6.0
.w61 application/wordperfect6.1
.w6w application/msword
.wav audio/wav
.wav audio/x-wav
.wb1 application/x-qpro
.wbmp image/vnd.wap.wbmp
.web application/vnd.xara
.wiz application/msword
.wk1 application/x-123
.wmf windows/metafile
.wml text/vnd.wap.wml
.wmlc application/vnd.wap.wmlc
.wmls text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
.wmlsc application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc
.word application/msword
.wp application/wordperfect
.wp5 application/wordperfect
.wp5 application/wordperfect6.0
.wp6 application/wordperfect
.wpd application/wordperfect
.wpd application/x-wpwin
.wq1 application/x-lotus
.wri application/mswrite
.wri application/x-wri
.wrl application/x-world
.wrl model/vrml
.wrl x-world/x-vrml
.wrz model/vrml
.wrz x-world/x-vrml
.wsc text/scriplet
.wsrc application/x-wais-source
.wtk application/x-wintalk
.xbm image/x-xbitmap
.xbm image/x-xbm
.xbm image/xbm
.xdr video/x-amt-demorun
.xgz xgl/drawing
.xif image/vnd.xiff
.xl application/excel
.xla application/excel
.xla application/x-excel
.xla application/x-msexcel
.xlb application/excel
.xlb application/vnd.ms-excel
.xlb application/x-excel
.xlc application/excel
.xlc application/vnd.ms-excel
.xlc application/x-excel
.xld application/excel
.xld application/x-excel
.xlk application/excel
.xlk application/x-excel
.xll application/excel
.xll application/vnd.ms-excel
.xll application/x-excel
.xlm application/excel
.xlm application/vnd.ms-excel
.xlm application/x-excel
.xls application/excel
.xls application/vnd.ms-excel
.xls application/x-excel
.xls application/x-msexcel
.xlt application/excel
.xlt application/x-excel
.xlv application/excel
.xlv application/x-excel`
.xlw application/excel
.xlw application/vnd.ms-excel
.xlw application/x-excel
.xlw application/x-msexcel
.xm audio/xm
.xml application/xml
.xml text/xml
.xmz xgl/movie
.xpix application/x-vnd.ls-xpix
.xpm image/x-xpixmap
.xpm image/xpm
.x-png image/png
.xsr video/x-amt-showrun
.xwd image/x-xwd
.xwd image/x-xwindowdump
.xyz chemical/x-pdb
.z application/x-compress
.z application/x-compressed
.zip application/x-compressed
.zip application/x-zip-compressed
.zip application/zip
.zip multipart/x-zip
.zoo application/octet-stream
.zsh text/x-script.zsh



What’s the difference between an RFI, an RFP, and an RFQ?

Request for Information (RFI): Used when you think you know what you want but need more information from the vendors. Must be followed by an RFQ or RFP in order to purchase the desired product. If the RFI yields a single seller of the desired product, you need only send the RFQ to that single provider for their price quote and their acceptance of the CSU General Provisions for Information Technology Acquisitions. If the RFI yields multiple resellers of the same product, you must submit an RFQ to all responding sellers of the desired product and award to the most value-effective provider.

Request for Quote (RFQ): Commonly used when you know what you want but need information on how vendors would meet your requirements and how much it will cost; you may also include the criteria against which each vendor’s response will be evaluated. An RFQ can also be used when you have all details except the cost; in this case,
the vendor selection would be based solely on price.

Request for Proposal (RFP): Used when you know you have a problem but don’t know how you want to solve it. This is the most formal of the “Request for” processes and has strict procurement rules for content, timeline and vendor responses. If you have already solicited information using an RFI, you can re-use those questions and requirements in your RFP.

Things You Most Likely Do Not Know About Web Development

Web development is not properly understood by most people today. That is totally easy to notice since many mistakes are done and most of the websites do not look as great or look as great as they should. You want to be patient and you want to learn all that you can about this topic before you hire a professional web development firm. That will help you to make a really good choice at the end of the day.
Out of the various different things that we can mention about web development, some factors are of a high importance and are normally not known by many. This is what we will discuss now.
Web Development Is Not Web Design
Most individuals believe that web development is exactly the same thing as web design. This is definitely not the case. In reality, we are faced with many differences. Web development automatically includes web design but web design does not include web development.
Web design practically refers to the design that is necessary to create the visual side of a website. Through web development we refer to everything else associated with the site, including programming and server side aspects.
Web Development Is Not Expensive
If you take a look at most of the prices that are associated with development projects, you will see price tags that are quite high. That is completely normal but it does not actually mean that all the projects are going to be expensive. Based on the needs that you have at the moment, it is possible that you will end up with prices that are not at all as high as you see in initial proposals. That is especially the case when referring to the use of open source systems like WordPress or Joomla.
Using Professionals Brings In Better Results
We are faced with many different opportunities that are now available. Most people simply end up focusing on the price tags, which is not a good approach. You want to be sure that the best possible results are going to be obtained. This is only possible when working with professionals.
It is possible that you can use cheap options but the best possible decisions are going to be made by the real specialists. Have patience and always focus on the opportunities that are the best for you. This practically means that you need to seriously consider working with a professional. The results are simply going to be a lot better. Make sure that you are patient and you always focus on finding one that is really experienced for you.
On the whole, web development is all about the knowledge that the professionals have. This is not something that is easy to learn. You want to be careful and you need to always focus on the best possible options for you. Knowledge is very important and the best possible web development work is going to be handled by someone that manages to completely understand the needs of the clients. 

CMMI appraisal attended by Nilaxsoft team member





Last year I spent 8 days for my last company CMMI appraisal, one day as a readiness check, then two days as a pre-appraisal training, and 5 days in formal CMMI 1.2 appraisal as an ATM (Appraisal Team Member).

In the readiness check, we reviewed the PIIDs document and other documents. PIIDs is an excel sheet that maps all CMMI Level 2 practices to Direct Evidences and Indirect Evidences from the appraised company.

In the two days pre-appraisal training, we learned many interesting things about the upcoming formal appraisal, whatever I had learnt the experience of the formal appraisal itself is the real experience that no training will substitute. Here are some of my notes and experiences.

Working as a Team: In the appraisal, we should work as team. Most of the time the Lead appraisal is facilitating our discussions and decision. Decisions are taken by consensus. It seems strange, but was helpful to objectively discuss our different opinions and encourage members with different views to explain their point of view and try to conclude one decision.

Goals and Practices: Although (as I learned in Introduction to CMMI 1.2 course) Goals only are mandatory, practices are also important, if you are going to ignore some practices, you should show that you replaced them with other practices that are finally achieve the mandatory goal. In other words, practices are mandatory but can be replaced as long as the goal is met.

Direct Evidence: For each practice, you should show direct evidence document, this means a lot of documentation, it seems this is not replaceable but I am researching ways to reduce the number of documents needed. Reducing documents to the necessary minimum is important as my focus is on small business where I want to add value and minimize overhead.

Balance between Interviews and Documentation: You are obliged to balance between documentation and interviews, you got affirmation from interviews you formally hold with team members. CMMI enforce you a minimum set of affirmations to achieve the balance between documentation and affirmations.

Taking Notes: It was astonishing to know we should take full notes in interviews to remember what was heared and seen. Notes should be accurate as said without paraphrasing. After the interview we should tag the notes with project and Process Area. This helps to see conflicts and get confidence in reporting affirmation.

In the last day we destroyed all our notes per request from our laid appraiser to prevent out of context interpretation to our notes. This makes sense as we already decided about rating the company and finding any mistakes later will not help.

Sub-practices Review: When we feel any doubt about if the evidence is sufficient in a practice, we review the sub-practices and see if there is anything missing.

Overlap and Recursive Applicability: An overlap is exist between process areas, and between generic practices and process areas. There exist some recursive concepts like plan the plan, or put configuration records in the configuration management system or make quality assurance on the quality assurance activities.

One statement I learnt from our lead appraiser that helped me was “Don’t jump to conclusions”. It showed to me that many time we jump to conclusions that we found wrong after getting more information.

At the last day, all team members wrote their feedback to SEI website, we take pictures and was very happy. Yes the company is appraised as CMMI Level 3.

Here are the lessons I have learned from my second CMMI L3 appraisal, not all of them are technical:

1) Let actions speak about you and don’t speak about yourself; doings are more respectable than sayings. Most people hate who speak much about themselves.

2) Dictatorship: If you are a team leader and unable to facilitate team discussions or reach consensus, this usually reflect your dictatorship style or the mentality of win-lose. As a team, everyone must focus on win-win relationship. We should believe we are strong because we are different and being different means we have a great chance of building integrated vision.

3) Treating people should be smooth, not just when things are easy but also with hard issues and when we feel angry. IMHO this is the measure of person kindness and professionalism.

4) You can always ask people for annoying things as long as you treat them with great respect and let them understand your intention. As example, if you in a critical meeting, you can ask a person to leave the room, or to turn off mobiles as long as you say it properly. On the other side, some people feel great when they have the chance to hurt other people.

5) CMMI interpretation is quite flexible, you can tailor it greatly. Remember that CMMI is a model not a process. You can use this feature to hurt your business or to help it.

6) Using tools improperly can lead to a very complex baseline taking and reconstruction. So always use tools the right way.

7) Tools come with their own complexity. Use sophisticated tools only to solve complex problems. Generally use the simplest tool that is good enough to manage your current problem. Use the right tool for the right task.

Here are my tips on practical implementation of CMMI as I experienced in my first appraisal:

1) In CMMI 1.2 PP (Project Planning), you have to create Project Plan, however the GP (Generic Practice) 2.2 require you to “Plan the Process”. It sounds like you have to create a plan to create the project plan. In my experience it is sufficient to include planning tasks in the plan, as example of planning tasks:
– Create detailed WBS (Work Break-Down Structure)
– Determine and analyze risks
– Discover and plan for data management
– Research for needed resource and skills
– Meet to review the plan
– Modify the plan (according to the meeting)
– Final meeting to get plan commitments

The same concept apply on GP 2.8 “Monitor and Control the Process”, it is sufficient to include tracking tasks like milestone review and weekly progress review. These two generic practices gives the organization detailed information about how much planning and tracking cost you in the project.

2) In PP, Specific Practice (SP) 2.3 “Plan for the management of project data”, it was sufficient to put this planning as part of the CM (Configuration Management) Plan.

3) It was a weakness to let the CM baseline creator to audit that baseline. As he will not be objective as he is biased to his creation. It is accepted to let a project team member to make the baseline audit, or make two project managers to review for each other.

4) In PP, SP 2.1 “Establish and maintain the project’s budget and schedule”, It is accepted to have the project effort as the budget!. Why?, the senior manager – as the organization is very small – don’t share the cost details with the project managers. However it is recommended to the organization to document the procedure of converting effort to cost.

5) The PMC SP 1.6 and 1.7 dictate to review periodically and on milestone the project. However it was accepted to align the milestone with the periodic review to be the same.

6) All MA (Measurements and Analysis) planning and tracking activities are stated in the project plan, however the measures will be collected and analyzed in a separate documents. Regarding using tools, we can just use office and file server to do all what you need. Configuration management system is useful when developing source code, if the project is just migration or conversion of legacy source code, then the use of CM system can be dropped.

7) There is no paper based sign required, all the documentation and approvals accepted to be emails or just MOM (Minutes Of Meeting) documents.

8) Even not required in L3, the creation of templates is very helpful as there exist many details that can be forgotten.

9) In PIIDs (Practice Implementation Indicator Descriptions), it was not necessary to write many indirect artifacts, as affirmation through interview can be almost sufficient, except in case it is hard to get that affirmation.

10) You can easily plan the appraisal and meet your plan (without too much overtime) and even have fun.

Nilaxsoft offer you to Start online retail business today

Sell your products and accept credit card payments from buying customers. Nilaxsoft gives you everything you need to run/manage a successful online store.

Build your online store

Start by choosing from over a many stunning open source template from theme Store or just let us know your preference. Nilaxsoft provides you fully customizable open-source CMS, you can then shape and form your chosen template to suit your business by adding your logo, changing colors, selecting beautiful fonts and so much more!

With SSL and a streamlined backend admin area, we make the setup and operation of your ecommerce website fast and easy. Plus you have full control over the appearance of your site, along with all HTML and CSS coding.

Sell any products online

Your online presence can be used to sell just about anything! From physical items such as clothes or furniture, to services and digital products including educational courses and software applications, our platform can handle it all.

In your backend admin, you can create product catalogues, organize SKUs, post blogs and manage all of the content on your site.

Accept credit cards

In the world of ecommerce, properly accepting credit cards and processing payments can be tricky. But when you choose CMS, we make credit card payments simple and integrate with over 50 payment gateways including PayPal and India based payment gateways.

Your website is fully hosted by Nilaxsoft and we equip your online retail business with an SSL certificate and PCI compliancy. When we say end-to-end solution, we mean it!


There are a many open source CMS available under GNU license and one of them is Drupal. Here nilaxsoft tried to explain some benefits of using Drupal platform.

Drupal is probably the best and most popular content management system in the market today. It is also Software as a service (Saas) solution which can be used by organizations irrespective of their size or location.  We look at the benefits of Drupal application development.

  • Affordable and available easily –

Drupal is open source, easily available and highly customizable. There exist thousands of Drupal modules and templates a majority of which are available at zero cost. Hence, many small players are able to use it. Drupal is used and trusted by several individuals and organizations globally as it provide both high value solutions and robust security.

  •  Big technical support team offering support and improvement –

A large team of full time developers are working on Drupal full-time. Also Drupal enjoys the solid and unwavering backing of people who genuinely care about its functionality and performance. It provides users easy and no cost access to both future and current technical upgrades and security improvements.

  • Multi-language support –

Drupal offers support for more than 150 languages. Hence it is perfect to serve a truly global audience.

  •  Powerful and modern platform –

Drupal offers high performance business tools and is easily maintainable. Some of its advantages are ease of scalability and constant updating of the software.

  • Lack of old restrictions –

Drupal doesn’t have quite a number of the restrictions of older CMS software. It is ideal for web design owing to its flexibility and features which help create highly interactive and user friendly web services.

  • Drupal development is remarkably quick –

Today the speed of development determines the success and market acceptance of both products and services.  In the current era of rapidly changing technology and marketing it is vital to be faster than competitors. Else your firm will be left behind and your products/services will become obsolete.

  • Drupal works well on mobiles –

Hence you can tap the enormous and fast growing global smartphone markets. There is no need for developers to worry about user experience, customization, optimization and other issues. Drupal is specifically designed to effectively address all the mobile environment requirements. This makes it the ideal CMS for the mobile. Additionally the use of special themes makes Drupal suitable and friendly to the mobile platform.

  • Presence of SEO modules –

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an indispensable and highly important requirement today. Drupal has powerful and sophisticated SEO functionality which makes it SEO friendly.  The SEO modules present in Drupal are a valuable and beneficial feature in any business’s marketing efforts.

  • Patronage of high profile entities –

Many leading and important entities such as the White House and FedEx have adopted and placed their trust in Drupal. This adds to the CMS’s credibility as well as reliability.

  •  Provides well documented API’s –

This makes Drupal application development, both easier and organized, making the job of developers simpler and more effective.

  • Leverage Social Media and easily connect with other web entities –

Drupal offers robust support for social media integration and has easy connection capabilities to other sites and services.

  • Easy and strong extension capabilities –

Drupal developers need not develop everything from scratch. Not much programming is required and new features can be easily added by the developers. Drupal has currently a huge repository of over 16,000 modules which can practically fulfill almost all the site requirements. Thus, both time and money are saved and application development becomes simple and easy.

Why Nilaxsoft started web development services in Raipur ,Chhattisgarh ?

Nialxsoft is first company which is started web development in Bhiali ,Chhattisgarh. Now the question is why Chhattisgarh ?

    • We want to develop our area first

Since the beginning, Nilaxsoft focused on providing the best development services to the customers . Whether we’re designing a new web application or changing the look of the homepage, we take great care to ensure that they will ultimately serve you, rather than Nilaxsoft internal goal or bottom line. As we born in Chhattisgarh so we are very much familiar with chhattisgarhi peoples problems which is related to web world.We started our carrier from metro city in India.When we spent some years on metro area we missed our quietness as well as our family and our friends. So we moved our native area and started web development in chhattisgarh.

    • It’s best to do one thing really, really well.

We do website design, website / web application development. we know what we do well, and how we could do it better. Through continued iteration on difficult problems, we’ve been able to solve complex issues and provide continuous improvements to a service that already makes finding information a fast and seamless experience for millions of people. Our dedication to improving coding standerds helps us apply what we’ve learned to new projects, like Tour and Travel web portal development , HRM or CRM development etc. Our hope is to bring the power of search to previously unexplored web world areas, and to help people access and use even more of the ever-expanding information in their lives.

    • First is better than second.

We know your time is valuable, so when you’re seeking an answer on the web you want it right away–and we aim to please. We may be the only people in the world who can say our goal is to have people leave our website as quickly as possible. By shaving excess bits and bytes from our pages and increasing the efficiency of our serving environment, we’ve broken our own speed records many times over, so that the average response time on a search result is a fraction of a second. We keep speed in mind with each new product we release, whether it’s a mobile application or web browser, a browser designed to be fast enough for the modern web. And we continue to work on making it all go even faster.

If you are looking for a company who can accomplish your Web development ,Web design ,Web portal and other web related task then Nilaxsoft is best place for this service.


Speed-up your business with Nilaxsoft CRM

Everyone has heard the term “CRM” if you are a business owner or sales manager or business partner. But do you know what does it really mean?
C-R-M stands for Customer Relationship Management. At its simplest, a CRM system allows business owner to manage business relationships and the data and information associated with them.
With CRM, you can store customer and prospect contact information, accounts, leads and sales opportunities in one central location, ideally in the cloud so the information is accessible by many, in real time.
While a CRM system may not elicit as much enthusiasm these days as social networking platforms like Facebook or Twitter, any CRM system is similarly built around people and relationships. And that’s exactly why it can be so valuable for a fast-growing business.
Any business starts out with a foundation of great customer relationships. You, the seller, connect with people who need your product. Yet, as your company grows, these business connections grow more sophisticated. It’s not just a transaction between the buyer and seller. You start to manage a myriad of connections, across time, within each company you do business with. You need to share information across various teams within your own organization who are making contact with the same customers. A CRM system can serve as a vital nerve center to manage the many connections that happen in a growing business.
For small businesses, a CRM system may simply help you put your data in the cloud, making it accessible in real time, across any device. But as you grow, a CRM can quickly expand to include more sophisticated features to help teams collaborate with colleagues and customers, send customized emails, gather insights from social media conversations, and get a holistic picture of your business health in real time.

If you looking to know more about CRM just drop us mail at info@nilaxsoft.com .